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Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority

Special Called Meeting Agenda


            Date:               December 1, 2022

            Time:              5:30 PM 

            Location:         50 River Street, Hiawassee GA or Zoom (see below)


  1. Call to order
  1. Discussion of Shook House Occupancy Requirements
  • Adjourn

Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority

Meeting Agenda  

The DDA moved their meeting to 9/6 due to the Public Art Kick-Off scheduled on 9/13.

            Date:               Tuesday September 6, 2022

            Time:               6:30 PM

            Location:         50 River Street 

  1. Call to order
  2. Adopt agenda (m) as set or amended
  • Approval minutes of August 9, 2022
  1. Financial Report 
  2. Work Plan Update

September 2022 - Workplan Presentations







5- #Tag campaign

Tyler, Peggy, Steve & Denise



2 – social media Calendar

Peggy, Steve & Denise



6 - Linktree

Peggy, Tyler, Steve & Denise

  1. Directors Update 
    1. PBC – Design Drawings
    2. Fundraising Update
    3. GICH 9/22
  • Program Manager Update 
    1. Social Media 
    2. Shook House 
    3. Night Market 
  • New Business 
  1. Old Business
    1. Locable - Tyler
    2. Hikers - Monica
    3. Art Plan - Peggy
  2. Executive Session
  3. Adjourn – general consent

Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority

Meeting Agenda  


            Date:               Tuesday, July 12, 2022

            Time:               5:30 PM

            Location:         50 River Street 

  1. Call to order__________

Members present ___________________________________________________________

  1. Adopt agenda (m) as set or changed: motion __________________sec: ____________
  • Approval minutes of June 14, 2022, minutes (m) motion: __________sec: _______________
  1. Financial Report – Efren Lopez (m) motion: __________sec: _______________
  2. Work Plan Update
    1. Revised Calendar Attached
  3. Directors Update 
    1. Fundraising Update
    2. PBC 101 & renovation update – fund raising kick off
    3. Made in Georgia Update
    4. Maggie – July 14
  • Program Manager Update 
    1. Social Media ____________________________________
    2. Shook House ____________________________________
      1. Monica Real Estate Assessment
    3. Night Market 
      1. Set-up / Breakdown – Tyler & Efren, additional help ______________
      2. Weather plan ________________________________________________________ 



  • Revenue / Expenses ___________________________________________
  • New Business 
    1. Community Wide Initiative Locable (Steve) 

 (m) motion: __________       sec: _______________

  1. January Planning Retreat – Date_____________Time_________________
  1. Old Business
    1. Hikers _____________________________________________________________




  1. Executive Session
  2. Adjourn – general consent

Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority

Meeting Agenda


Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Time: 5:30 PM

Location: 50 River Street

I. Call to order
II. Adopt agenda (m) as set or amended
III. Approval minutes of July 12, 2022
IV. Approval minutes of Special Called August 1, 2022 meeting
V. Financial Report – Efren Lopez
VI. Work Plan Update


 Goal  Task  Person
 2  1  

5 - Measurable results matrix

Peggy, Efren, Denise & Steve

 5  3

1 – Create DDA Website w/ local business listing

Tyler, Peggy, Denise & Steve

 5  3

4 – Develop Analytics reporting system

Peggy, Tyler, Steve & Denise

 6  4

2 – Setup Main Street Volunteer base

Ashlyn, Steve

VII. Directors Update

a. Fundraising Update
b. PBC 101 update: 9/14 park event, full fundraising committee meeting 8/17 6PM
c. Transitional / At-Risk

VIII. Program Manager Update

a. Social Media
b. Shook House
c. Night Market

IX. New Business

a. Community Wide Initiative Locable – Zoom meeting presentation
b. PBC Marketing Presentation – Brooke Barrett

X. Old Business

a. Hikers
b. Art Plan

XI. Executive Session

XII. Adjourn – general consent


Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:30 PM
50 River Street

  1. Call to order

  2. Adopt agenda (m)

  3. Approval minutes of April 12, 2022, minutes (m)

  4. Financial Report – Efren Lopez (m)

  5. Directors Update

    1. Fundraising Update

    2. PBC 101 & renovation update

    3. GICH March Retreat Report

    4. Youth Leadership Program

    5. Business Expo Update

  6. Program Manager Update

    1. Shook House

    2. Night Market

    3. Training

  7. New Business

    1. Georgia Grown - Made – Chamber (m)

    2. DDA Logo (m)

    3. Art Plan (m)

    4. Hometown Cameras Proposal (m)

    5. Hikers

    6. Budget

  8. Old Business

    1. Ashley Hartzell - Social Media Presentation (m)

    2. Officers – roles and positions (m)

i. ii. iii. iv. c. Work i.

Chairperson Co-Chairperson Secretary Treasurer

Reports / hours

  1. Transformation Strategy 1: Business Development and Activation

    1. Goal 1:2 - Tyler

    2. Goal 2A: 4 – Peggy

    3. Goal 2A: 5 – Steve

    4. Goal 3:3 – Peggy

  2. Transformation Strategy 3: Ecotourism and Recreation

a. Goal 4: 1 – Steve

  1. Executive Session

  2. Adjourn – general consent

Approved 06-14-2022

Hiawassee Downtown Development Authority Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2022

Present: Efren Lopez, Peggy Gardner, Tamela Cooper, Tyler Osborn Staff Present: Denise McKay, Steve Harper
Guest Present: Monica, Ashley Hartzell

Peggy Gardner called the meeting to order at 5:47 PM

A motion was made by Tyler to adopt the agenda as set, seconded by Efren. Passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Tyler to approve the April 12, 2022 minutes as dispersed, seconded by Tamela. Passed unanimously.

A motion was made by Tyler to approve the financial report as dispersed, seconded by Tamela.




  • The fundraising committee will hold a meeting on May 26 at 5:30pm at City Hall

  • PBC 101 – Reminder on what the center will be and used for

  • PBC Renovation – interior demolition completed and the buildings are stabilized

  • GICH – the GICH point will be awarded to a contractor looking to build a 50-54 unit

    apartment complex for working families – not low income/age based – and it will be on the outskirts of Young Harris. Once the decision is made by the contractor, we will know if it will be coming to the area

  • Youth Leadership Program – Dr. Berrong is presenting the Board of Education with the chosen program tonight and we will know by next meeting if the BOE approves it

  • Business Expo – we received 2 potential leads for new business in the area

  • We have three new business opening in Hiawassee

    o Schmere Café (Bagel & Schmere Shop) next to Dominos Pizza o Bakery – Next to Hiawassee Antique Mall
    o Abide Coffee – Next to Noblet’s 5&10

  • An appreciation dinner for Maggie will be held at Ann Mitchell’s house on July 14. All DDA Board Members are invited

    Steve gave the following managers update:

• Shook House dedication went great! We are currently advertising it as open retail space.

We have secured parking at South State Parking Lot. The dogwood tree in front has been moved to Mayors Park and we will be using this yard space for 2 handicap spots. A discussion was held on how it would be paved (asphalt, pavers, etc.). Lawn service will be provided by the city

gave the following directors update:

Approved 06-14-2022

  • May’s Night Market was cancelled due to weather. We currently have 7 food vendors signed up along with about 20 vendors total. A sign up sheet was present to help with running the DDA booth, set up, and break down. All members were encouraged to sign up to help

  • Steve recently completed his GA Economic Development Training and will be implementing what he learned

    New Business

• Georgia Grown Festival will be coming to Foster Park on June 24th – 26th. A discussion

was held regarding if DDA should purchase a sponsorship for $500 and have a booth at the event.

o Tyler made a motion to purchase the $500 sponsorship, seconded by Tamela. Passed unanimously.

  • A new DDA logo was presented by Ashley Hartzell to use for branding and marketing. Everyone agreed that it is exactly what we are looking for.

    o A motion to purchase the rights to the logo for $300 was made by Tamela, seconded by Efren. Passed unanimously.

  • Peggy presented the current Art Plan cost. In February 2022, it was decided to spend $5000 from the general fund. A grant was applied for up to $5000 to cover the other half. Peggy asked that if we do not get the full grant amount if we could cover the cost from the general account. A discussion was had on whether this purchase is feasible.

    o Tyler made a motion to use $5000 from the donation money for art in the city to cover the other half. Peggy seconded this motion. Passed unanimously.

  • Hometown Cameras came to us asking if we would like a live video feed of the square to post on our website and social media. After reviewing the proposal, no motion was made and the proposal did not pass. The board decided that they would be open to reviewing the option again in the future.

  • Rabun County has started to offer services to attract more hikers to their area, including a shuttle from the trail head. Denise asked for volunteers to work on ways to keep them here. Efren & Tyler volunteered to help with this issue.

  • Efren gave an update on the next fiscal year budget and it will be ready for proposal at the June meeting.

    Old Business

  • Ashley Hartzell gave a proposal on what she would do as our social media marketer. The

    board agreed on what she presented. A proposal for including in the budget $1800 to cover this cost, with a 6 month contract with Ashley and an evaluation every 3 months was made by Tyler, seconded by Efren. Passed unanimously.

  • The following slate of board members were chosen to serve as officers of the board: o Chair – Peggy Gardner

    o Co-Chair – Tyler Osborn
    o Secretary – Ashlynn LaPorte o Treasurer – Efren Lopez

Approved 06-14-2022

o Tyler made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented. Seconded by Efren. Passed unanimously.

  • Peggy presented the board with a schedule for the work plan. Committees gave the following reports

    o Strategy 1, Goal 2A:4 – Peggy
    ▪ In final stages and will be presented next month

    o Strategy 1, Goal 2A5:4 – Steve
    ▪ Completed and being printed

    o Strategy 3, Goal 4:1 – Steve
    ▪ We need to take road trips to cities with similar layouts to get ideas. It

    was suggested 2-3 trips per year.

  • No executive session was needed

  • The meeting was adjourned with general consent at 8:04 PM

    Minutes recorded by: Tyler Osborn Presented: June 14, 2022

Special accommodations Information

Note: Individuals with disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to participate in meetings or questions regarding accessibility are required to contact City Hall at 706-896-2202.  The City will strive to make reasonable accommodations for those individuals.